Scopia Desktop

To download Scopia Desktop, go to:


Requirements for Scopia Desktop


Note for Windows

Internet Explorer must be installed on your Windows PC when using the SCOPIA Desktop
Client, even if you choose to access the meeting with an alternate web browser like Firefox,
Safari or Chrome.


Note for Macintosh

OS X 10.5 or higher, Intel only


Browsers supported (see Windows note above)

Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 and 9; 10 & 11 32-bit(Windows)
Firefox 3.5 or later (Mac and Windows)
Safari 4 or later (Mac and Windows)
Google Chrome 5.0 or later (Mac and Windows)


IOS, Android

Scopia Desktop does not run on these platforms.

(The LNV does not currently offer Scopia Mobile)



To access Scopia Desktop, go to:


Here is a quick reference guide for Scopia Desktop. The links have been changed to reflect the VT LNV. Please note that the last page of the guide refers to Scopia Desktop Pro. SCOPIADesktopv70QuickReferenceCard.pdf


Having Problems Installing Scopia? Try these: