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iView Procedures

Page history last edited by sigrid.olson@... 13 years, 1 month ago

Please note:

1. To use iView you will need to have a Username and Password. You can get these from Sigrid Lumbra at 802.828.0200 or sigrid.lumbra@state.vt.us.

2. You need to use Internet Explorer when scheduling or controlling a meeting in iView


iView login page: http://meetings.learn.vt.gov/

User Guide for iView - this has all of the answers!


Setting Up a Meeting


1. Click Meeting Scheduling in the sidebar menu

By default, the Basic tab displays and the start time is set to Now

2. Enter a Subject for the meeting. This is required to create a meeting.

3. Click on the calendar icon next to the Start Time field to specify the start time of the meeting. Specify the exact date and time in the popup window. If you specify a start time that is in thefuture, the End Time field displays. The End Time value is equal to the start time plus the duration of the meeting.

4. Choose the meeting type:

  • Non Video Conference:
  • Point-to-Point: Only two terminals are scheduled for a meeting
  • Dynamic 1 to 9:
  • Dynamic No Self-See:
  • Content Meeting
  • Audio Only:
  • HD/SD Continuous Presence:
  • HD Switched Video:

A random Meeting ID will be generated. You can edit this ID number (e.g., to be your virtual room number)

5. (Optional) Click Recurrence to define the recurrence details for a recurring meeting. This button is only enabled if the meeting start time is not Now.

6. (Optional) Define the meeting access PIN in the Meeting PIN field. Only integers are allowed. This PIN allows you to join a PIN-protected meeting.

7. (Optional) Define the PIN that allows a user to perform moderation operations on a meeting in the Moderator PIN field. Only integers are allowed. This PIN allows you to take control of a meeting from the In-meeting Control interface or from the endpoint using DTMF. Meeting Operators can access the In-meeting Control screen without using the Moderator PIN.

8. (Optional) If you entered a moderator PIN, you can turn on the waiting room functionality by selecting Place participants in a 'waiting room' until the moderator joins the meeting.

  • Before the host joins the meeting, all connected participants are put into waiting room mode where they cannot hear or see one another. When the host terminal joins the meeting, the waiting room mode is removed and all participants can see and hear each other.
  • You can unlock the waiting room mode by taking control of the In-meeting Control screen after entering the moderator PIN and clicking Unlock waiting room.

9. (Optional) If you entered a moderator PIN, you may automatically record a meeting when it starts by selecting Record Meeting when meeting starts (available only when a SCOPIA Desktop is configured in iVIEW Suite).

The default streaming mode determines the initial streaming state. Streaming can be disabled or enabled during the meeting by any SCOPIA Desktop Client that has meeting moderation rights.

10. (Optional) Enter a description of the scheduled meeting for future reference.

The Description field is hidden by default. If you cannot see this field, contact your system administrator.

11. Click Next to proceed with setting additional meeting scheduling options.

12. Click Test to test your scheduling request.

13. Click Finish to complete the meeting scheduling procedure.


Viewing Your Meetings


  1. Click My Meetings in the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Current to see all your meetings that are currently in progress.
  3. Click Upcoming to see all your meetings that have not yet started.
  4. Click History to see all your meetings that have already finished.


Only meetings that meet at least one of the following criteria are displayed:

You are a participant in the meeting.

You are the owner of a virtual room used in the meeting.

You are the organizer of the meeting.


Verifying that You Have Successfully Created Your Meeting


  1. Click My Meetings in the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Current to see all your meetings that are currently in progress.
  3. Click Upcoming to see all your meetings that have not yet started.
  4. Click History to see all your meetings that have already finished.

The creation status of each of the displayed meetings is shown in the Status column.

If the status column is colored green, the meeting was successfully created and all meeting participants are in the meeting.

If the status column is colored red, iCM has failed to create the meeting.

To view the Reason Failed error message, click the red status indicator, and then click Retry to resend the meeting information to the MCU.


Searching for a Meeting


  1. Click My Meetings in the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Current, Upcoming or History, as required.
  3. Perform any of the following:


    • Enter the partial or complete subject of the meeting in the Subject field.If any part of the meeting subject matches the search string, the meeting record is displayed in the search results.
    • Enter the E.164 number (the number of the user terminal) of an attending terminal in the E164 field.If any part of the meeting subject matches the search string, the meeting record is displayed in the search results.
    • Click the calendar icon in the From field, and select a date and time in the window that opens. Meetings scheduled after the selected time are listed.
    • Click the calendar icon in the To field, and select a date and time in the window that opens. Meetings scheduled before the selected time are listed.
    • Enter the partial or complete meeting ID in the Meeting ID field. If any part of the meeting ID matches the search string, the meeting record is displayed in the search results.


Monitoring a Meeting


You can monitor and moderate a meeting in which you are a participant or the organizer via the In-Meeting Control interface for the meeting.


  1. Click My Meetings in the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Current.
  3. Click the link in the Subject field for the meeting you want to monitor.
  4. Enter the moderator PIN if one is used for this meeting.
  5. Click the Become Moderator icon.


The In-meeting Control interface is not available for meetings in which you are not a participant or the organizer.


Modifying Upcoming Meetings


You can reschedule the meeting to another time, change the meeting parameters, or delete the meeting request.



  1. Click My Meetings in the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Upcoming.
  3. Click the subject of the meeting you want to modify.
  4. Enter the required informationand click Next until the Finish button displays.
  5. Click Finish.


The In-meeting Control interface is not available for meetings in which you are not a participant or the organizer.


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