

Page history last edited by sigrid.olson@... 12 years, 2 months ago


The Learning Network of Vermont (LNV)  



Kudos to Sutton and Danville Schools and teachers Karen Budde and Gerry Whitaker! Check out this image of a co-taught - and INTERACTIVE - Latin class! (FYI, I "sat in" on the class via my web cam and Scopia Desktop)






Here are some interesting statistics about the LNV and its use

during the 2010 - 2011 school year:


  • There are 118 LNV sites around the state.
    • These sites are mostly schools, but also include the Department of Education, the Vermont Legislature, adult learning centers, and career and technical centers.
  • During the 2010 - 2011 school year, there were 2,851 calls placed over the LNV system. 
    • These calls were both point-to-point and multipoint calls. 
    • They were comprised of meetings between individuals and groups, virtual field trips to content providers around the country, and collaborations between Vermont students and students in other states and countries.
  • There are 396 registered users of the LNV system. 
    • These users include classroom teachers, tech integration specialists, educational technology directors, DOE staff, Vermont Virtual Learning Collaborative teachers, and adult education staff.
    • Of these 396 users, about 90% have participated in some form of LNV training conducted by DOE staff.
  • During the 2010 - 2011 school year, Vermont students participated in over 200 virtual field trips with experts from museums, historic sites, NASA, and other organizations around the United States and world. 



Understanding the Pieces of LNV: Is the LNV that camera thing that sits on top of the TV at my school?


From a user perspective, the LNV includes 3 different systems that combined are the LNV. 

1) videoconferencing camera and monitor (usually a polycom camera and a TV) in VT schools;

2) web interface that allows users to schedule and control meetings (the iCM/ iView suite); and

3) shared desktop server that allows LNV meeting participants to present their desktop to other participants at remote locations (Scopia Desktop). The Scopia Desktop system also allows for webcams to be meeting participants.

The 3 systems are tied together via the LNV's head-end in Montpelier. It is the head-end that takes all the various pieces of the systems and connects them.


The Learning Network of Vermont (LNV) is a school-based video conferencing system.  To learn more about LNV, please see www.learn.vermont.gov



Use the sidebar of this wiki to navigate the site to access information to support instructional and collaborative uses of this system.


contact sigrid.lumbra@state.vt.us for more LNV information

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